Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Anime Girl finishes the Upper body

All right, so chest armor is done. Gundam's boobs are protected. On to the next part of the upper body. The arms and shoulder bells. First things first why are the little stickers that I worked so hard to put into the right places just getting covered up? I'm not understanding this at all. I would understand if maybe some of them showed a little bit, or you could see them poking out. But, no you can't see them at all.
The little orange part that was on the side or the shoulder bells, didn't want to stay at first. It wasn't till a minute or two later that I figured out they needed to be flipped. I had the back facing the front and the front facing the back. After I flipped it every thing fit just right. The arm gaurds had to be just right or they would not click together. If one was a little of then they would just fall off the arm.
And on to the next part the- wait the chest armor fell off. Ugh, the sticky take like things are failing me. You know what they remind me of? Most of you have had boba tea right, have you ever had it with jelly instead of boba? If you haven't I highly recommend  it, it's a little sweeter then the boba but just as good. But the gel tape things remind me of it.
I'm going on to the lower armor next time.

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