Friday, June 26, 2015

Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma Episode 13 Review

Eggs Before Dawn

Megumi is standing on her own two feet and succeeding wonderfully. She is still nervous but she isn't stunted by that any more. The only thing she needed was some one to tell her that yes she does belong here she is a great cook and she needs to show people. Soma did that for her. The cutest part of the episode was when Kyusaku of the Natural Cheese asks her to marry his grandson. Meaning that her cooking was so good he wants her to join his family. Megumi of course if at a loss for words.
Ikumi and Takumi becoming mad at Soma for having a shokugeki  against on of the alumni is purely selfish. both of them want a rematch with him. They both want to prove that they are better then him. This doesn't stop them from being friends with him though. They may be rivals with him but they don't hate him for it like Erina.
Erina hates every thing that Soma does. In an earlier episode she didn't play cards with Hisako because Soma was also going to play cards. She did grow slightly because, they did end up playing cards. We can only hope that Erina keeps growing. That her hate for all things Soma will change, because if it doesn't she'll just be an other annoying anime girl character to throw on the huge pile that is already there.
The characters growing and changing is what puts this show above the other shonen anime out there. Most the characters don't grow as people they grown in strength and family but that's really it. This characters are changing. Not all of them have been able to be developed yet and they are very base characters with litter or not depth. But, hopefully the show will let them change. If they stop growing then the show will only be that weird anime were there's naked people in food weekly. That's not enough for me to watch it.
the best part of this episode was that it was all about cooking. I'm not sure about you but, that is the main reason I watch  this show. I love cooking. I love learning about cooking and I also really like when a show, this case an anime, teaches you while you watch. The fact that every episode tells you something about cooking or a recipe is what makes me keep coming back for more week after week.

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