The Memory of a Dish
I really like the fact that Megumi had to stand on her own two feet here. It is so typical of shonens to just let he main character step in and save the day. In this on they put him as the secondary character and made a secondary character step up and take the lead. She had to rise to the occasion and make something that was her. I've seen so many animes recently that are just copies of something old I'm glad that this one changed and did something different.
I really like the idea that food can bring back memories and make you feel some thing. It's true if the meal is good or reminds you of a past meal, it will bring back memories. Or, when you have something that tastes so good you do have to moment of "oh my god". The fact that every one perseveres everything differently can be seen, when all the graduates are describing Megumi's dish and fighting about it. One says this and the other says this.
I best part was when Kojiro tries her dish and understands what every one else is saying. Megumi cared about the people that were eating her dish. It brought back memories that were good and happy. Her style of cooking if for the people eating her food not for her and that is what Kojiro lost along the way. Gin, who made him try her dish, sees the potential in her cooking and how far she can go. He sees the potential in Soma as well, stating that he has something that a chef needs.
Right after Kojiro eats Megumi's food he seeing what happened to him self. I didn't care about his staff and customers any more. Since he went to France, all of his cooking was looked down on because he was Japanese. he had to become hard and uncaring towards everyone, because he had to prove he was worth the award he wanted. When he got what he wanted his drive ended. When people reach a goal that they have wanted for so long and worked for, for so long, they don't know what to do with them selves after they get there. This is exactly what happened to Kojiro. The fact that the future of cooking, the current students, can influence the past students, all the alumni, is how it should be. The future and the past should influence each other and that is what makes thing change.
Ok I lied the best part of this episode was Hinako rooting on Megumi, can you get any cuter then her. She is the most adorable character in the show. Even if her adorableness can be scary at t
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