After donating some old clothes to the old Goodwill down the street, I looked inside to see if there was anything on sale. Lone behold I found the wonderfulness that is Fullmetal Alchemist. I got the whole boxed set for $9.95, including the movie. Oh and did I mention that some of the boxes were signed by, Vic Mignogna. I'm more of a Travis Willingham fan, but still awesome. They are in great condition. All pretty disks with no scratches. And all for less then $10. That there is awesome.

Alight I love Fullmetal Alchemist, I like the manga better then the anime, but the anime is still good. But, I'll full admit that it starts off slow. Quite slow. You really don't start to get into the meet of the core story till Nina becomes a chimera. And, every one else doesn't get involved until Meas dies. Even though I am an avid manga fan and always will be there is one episodes that I think did a better job then the manga. That episode is when Meas Hughes dies. In both the Japanese and the English dub you can feel the voice actors loss for this person. I'm not a huge fan of added scenes but when Ed, Al and Winry are all on the train eating pie, I almost cry every single time. The brief second when Meas is on the platform waving good bey to them is heart breaking. Because, they don't even find out about his death until much much later.

One of the funnier episodes is a filler. It does pain me to say this a bit, but it was a good episode. And the the filler was made with a small side comic that was written for the manga. So, not completely filler. I am not a fan of filler at all. AT ALL! But, the fight between Roy and Ed is one of more comical episode and I did like it. Because FMA does a wonderful job adding comedy to a serious moment.

In the end of the first season is when the anime starts to go a different direction then the manga. I'm always going to be a manga fan at heart. I feel that the anime did a good job with making the story work with the rules that were already there. They didn't make up their own rules, like so many other anime do. It was a realistic ending to the story. And many people still love this series. Even though I think the manga will always be better.
I will give it a nice shiny gem rating.
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