The Heavenly Recette

Takumi then bursts in yelling at Soma. Gin takes his leave and says good bey to Soma. Takumi is in shock at how Soma was interacting with Gin. Gin hears Soma's last name, Yukihira, for the first time and it gives him pause. He's heard that name else were.
The girls from Polar Star are all relaxing in the tub. Ryoko notice Megumi brought her rubber duck with her. Megumi says she thought he should see the world. Yuki comments on Ryoko's large breasts stating that the rice ma
lt must be the reason. Yuki is very happy to now be in 800,000 yen a night room.
The rest of the Polar Star residents join them and they enthusiastically play cards. Most of them fall asleep almost instantly. They rest of the students talk with each other. Megumi says she has become more comfortable in the kitchen cooking in front of other people. It is all because of Soma. She wants to keep going getting better and better.
The next scene is here getting fired during the cooking test the next day. We then go back in time to see what happened. Soma and Megumi are a waiting instructions for their next test. Kojiro Shinomiya is their teacher today. He gives a very hard vegetable recipe, Terre of Nine Vegtables, to cook. He also states that every one much cook it alone, they may not ask for
any help of any kind and should see their classmates as competition. Megumi is scared at first but tells her self she can do it. She gets to the cauliflower late and there are only discolored ones left, worried she almost asks Soma for help. Remembering the rules she thinks of something she can do by her self.
The students start to present their dishes. More fail, or get fired, then pass. Soma of course passes. When it is Megumi's turn she fails. She asks why, Kojiro says it is because she changed the resicpie to fix the discolored cauliflower. He says that is not allowed and so she is fired. Soma becomes pissed off and says it is Kojiro's fault for not providing good vegetables. Kojiro says that was on purpose to weed out the slow and uncareful. Soma becoming angrier is told if he doesn't back off he will be fired too. Megumi stops him from doing anything else. But, Soma then challenges Kojiro to a Shokugeki. If Soma wins Megumi will get to stay at the academy her expulsion resended.
I didn't like this episode as much as I have with the others. It focused more on the characters then the cooking aspect of the show. I like Megumi and I'm glad they are developing her some more, there was almost no cooking or explanation of the cooking at all. And, that is the main reason that I watch the show.

Erina needs to get off her high horse. She hates Soma so much that she can't like any thing he says or does. Which is a huge character flaw and makes a boring character to watch. She even gives up playing a game with her friend because, Soma might play cards to. She is just tormenting her self so much because of hate. It's silly. She has been held so highly her whole life, because of her abilities and that has made her a spoiled brat.

Of course you have to have the random girls in the bath scene. And of course they have to talk about their boobs. Contrary to what all anime, tells you girls to not just sit around going "oh your boobs are so big". I did like the ducky he's cute, I kinda want one.

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